Valérie Messika was predestined to work with diamonds. From her earliest childhood, she listened to the fascinating stories told by her father André Messika. This key player in the international diamond trade for the last 40 years took her along with him on his travels, seeking out exceptional gems. Valérie Messika inherited this passion. She decided to devote herself to the diamond while following her own path.
Instinctively, every diamond inspired a design or an idea. This thrill lay in the setting she imagined when seeing the stone. Forms, patterns and techniques reign supreme, but they are only chosen to highlight the unique character of the diamond, its quality, size and brilliance.
Since the beginning, the iconic Parisian Brand has stayed true to its original vision : Femininity and fashion, the Maison creates innovative and timeless jewels to accompany women everyday and also during the most beautiful moments of their lives. One of her first designs was Move, Messika’s signature collection – a stylish, understated jewel with three sliding brilliant cut diamonds. The collection was an instant bestseller and today has grown to embody a full range of jewelry, from rings to ear cuffs.